We call him Boss, short for Boston around here these days because that is what he is...the boss!
It has been the hardest adjustment of my life and I never knew how real sleep deprivation is. But I have to admit, I was an emotional mess for the first three days, partly because my milk was not coming in....now 6 days later, milk still not here, but is showing signs (finally have some colustrum) of arriving soon. Little Boston got jaundice and so we had to get the bili-blanket and have him wear it for two days...he is much better now and he finally got to eat with some formula.
I am adapting a little better everyday to the less sleep factor, we are all sleeping a little longer and better due to him having some food in him now. Ben has been amazing and very much a team player in our little family. He may not have the mothering instinct that I do, but he loves to bond with Boston and is the bottle making, diaper changing pro around here :) Thank you honey!
Here are a few pics for my friends that have not seen him yet...I am sure there will be plenty more coming soon.
I just LOVE the second picture with Ben holding him. How sweet. And I love how jaundice babies look tan :) You are doing so good. Hang in there super MOM!
You are so right about a newborn being the boss! I hope you're finding a routine that gives YOU some down time. Love you guys!
YEAH!!!!! Thanks for posting pictures, I was DYING waiting. Let me know of you need help, I'm sure there are PLENTY of us ladies that would love to hold him while you sleep and think milky thoughts. Great job!
Congrats again! Sorry to hear about your sleep deprivation (which most of us moms go through ) and short milk supply. At least at 10 lbs you don't have to worry too much about him starving too much like I did for my 5 pounders. That's awesome that your hubby is helping out.
Oh my gosh, he is so cute! OK - my totally unsolicited advice (for what it's worth): (1) it's OK to cry, it's OK to cry a lot; (2) it's OK to bottle feed (I have some serious opinions about this one becaus I had trouble breastfeeding) and; (3) it gets better.
He's a beautiful baby! I guess that's the perk of a big baby. They just look so much healthier!
Good luck on getting sleep. It is so hard to get any solid sleep even if Boston will sleep. You just want to keep checking on him.
ohh i just want to snuggle him! i don't know that it gets easier exactly so much as you just get used to living off of 1 or 2 hours of sleep at a time :) enjoy it while it lasts!
I love that he was your too perfect to eat Thanksgiving Day TURKEY!!!
I told everyone about him!!!!
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