Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Beatiful Places I get to go :)

I promised myself before I got on another plane (tomorrow Ben & I are going to AZ), that I would share with the world some pictures from some of the beautiful places I have been to over the summer. As you know I have the opportunity to travel quite a bit being a meeting planner. Sometimes this is fun, like when you get to go to Savannah, Chicago, DC, Charlotte, Nashville and so on. Sometimes, I know it may be hard to believe, but it's not so fun in places like Little Rock, Cincinnati, Las Vegas, Dallas, etc. I don't know, sometimes I am just content staying right here in little old Portland where sometimes the beauty takes your breath away.

Savannah, GA

View from my hotel room.

Do you see Forest Gump? Well, there is the bench.

...and then there is Chicago :)

Hey T! Most fun when you can visit friends.

Chicago is a very cool city!

And back to Portland...Ahhh....

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